Wednesday 16 January 2019

Angelic Pretty: Snow Glass Dome

So its winter and that means winter themed prints! This winter season Angelic Pretty released Snow Glass Dome, my first thought is 'I wish this was a boarder print'! Could they not maybe scale up their prints a bit? I feel like a lot of prints have been looking cute on the close up but when its small you can't see any of the cute details.

The only colorway I like is the light blue one, the others are just make the print even more meeeeeeh. The grey version looks like it's just some small darker bows on it. I get that they have been going for grey colorways lately but can we have some contrast? The lavender isn't horrible, but I feel like something about the shade is kinda off. This could be just the photos, it might look okay irl.

The OP looks cute with the white collar, since it looks like snow. But otherwise I don't like coordinating with white usually. The layering of the jsk is a bit cute, but could use more frills. This just feels like a discount Sugar Dream Dome.

Thanks for reading! I feel like I sound more grumpy than usual but I'm sure its fine. I should try to have some more fun with writing these. Leave a comment so I know you read my posts and didn't just look at the pretty picture, either is fine, just curious.

//Love Mintyfrills

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