Wednesday 4 February 2015

Ice Skating meetup

Me in the middle wear Sugar Dream Dome from Angelic Pretty, I feel that it really went with the theme. I can not skate at all. But I was lucky that these lovely boys twining, Gabriel and Jacob, helped pulled me along out on the ice! (as you might of seen in my video) I had so much fun and everyone looked lovely! I'm happy that so many showed up, I'll see if I can snag the group photo that an other girl took later. I should really take the time to learn how to skate though.

//Love Minty

1 comment:

  1. I so don't want to comeioff as ignorant, but thoseggirl, jJacob and Gabriel they look so much like girls, why do they call them selves boys? Srry for sounding stupid, I jjust ddon't get it?
