Monday, 21 December 2015

Angelic Pretty: Winter coats

angelic pretty winter coat lolita fashion mintyfrillsangelic pretty winter coat lolita fashion mintyfrills

Its getting cold outside and its starting to get well in time to get a warm jacket to have with your lolita clothes. There are many different styles to chose that suit different types of dresses, here are some from Angelic Pretty. My favorite style is coats that are a bit shorter like the ones above. They go with many different styles of dresses and you can still see the dress you are wearing underneath. An other good thing is that they are easier to use with other styles of clothes. The poncho under to the right also works with many kinds of clothes but it can look a bit bulky. If you like dresses with a high waist or a free waist then the coat under to the left would suit that style. I like this one, its simple but really pretty. It could work with more regular clothes though I think it would look a little bit flat.

angelic pretty winter coat lolita fashion mintyfrillsangelic pretty winter coat lolita fashion mintyfrills

An other style of lolita jackets is the one underneath that has a waist and covers the whole skirt. This one is extra extravagant and detailed, it looks very fancy and cute. It can look really pretty when you have a really poofy dress under but I don't like that it looks like you are wearing the same thing everyday when you are outside. An other drawback is that it looks really bad with regular clothes or even if you just have a bit less fluff it can look pretty deflated. An other thing is that when you take it off and have to carry it around it will be really bulky and heavy. Though I still think its really cute.

angelic pretty winter coat lolita fashion mintyfrills

//Love Mintyfrills

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